The non-environmentalists’ guide to eco-friendly living
Let’s face it, we’ve created a huge, massive plastic-filled hole for ourselves with the proliferation of plastic across the globe. Sure, it is durable and low-cost, but global recycling rates are currently lower than 10%. While Australians patiently wait for a new soft plastic scheme to emerge, each of us has a role to play every time we pull our money out to buy something.
If you’re environmentally focused on not, plastics are an issue. But giving up our obsession with plastic is not difficult as you might think. Bring your canvas bag to the shops, buy a re-useable drink bottle, or take your lunchbox. As technology advances, we are now seeing plastic wrap being made from food waste, or compostable packaging. So, look out for new ways to cut out plastic, including our range of plastic-free wet wipes.
If you're thinking about an eco-friendlier lifestyle, having a solid recycling set-up in your home is a must. In some states, there is a 10c bottle collection that you can take advantage of. In most states, your mixed recycling bin (cardboard, paper, glass, tin etc.) is where all the items go after a simple rinse (they do not have to be spotless) and leave them loose, do not put them into plastic bags.
The Australian 'right to repair' movement is growing. Community 'fix it' events are held and you can take your toaster in and a volunteer will try to fix it. When you are looking to buy, many of these 'fix it' groups will sell, like a repaired bike that is now good as new (but at a fraction of the cost). Social media platforms are great for finding new/old goods ranging from beds and sheds, to books and hooks.
Did you know that 40% of general waste bins are usually made up of food waste? This is an easy switch to pop into your green organic bin that your council collects. These collections go through an industrial composting process. You can also easily set up a home compost, there are even ones suitable for small balconies. Not only will this help create a natural fertiliser and keep your garden green, but it will reduce the amount of waste going into landfill.